Saturday, December 14, 2019

Personal and Relationship Inventory

Why do we need to take Personal and Relationship Inventory?

It is so important we make an honest evaluation of where we are at emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We must care for ourselves before we can adequately take care of others. 

Allowing ourselves to take time to reflect, is such a valuable thing to learn and put into practice. 

As women, we tend to believe that we can do it ALL, we can be wives, mothers, sisters, friends, workers, homemakers, chefs, scoffers, teachers, students, coaches, and so much more! Although we "can" do all of these things does not mean we should feel the pressure to do ALL of these things simultaneously and PERFECTLY. We need to allow for time of rest, reflection and meditation.

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Elder Uchtdorf’s talk entitled "Happiness, Your Heritage." Is such a wonderful talk! A particular quote that stood out to me was, "To me it appears that our splendid sisters sometimes undervalue their abilities—they focus on what is lacking or imperfect rather than what has been accomplished and who they really are.” This is a great reminder to me when I become overly critical of myself and expect perfection. I am by nature a perfectionist, and am quite critical and hard on myself. I constantly have to remind myself of all of the things I am doing well, to put things into perspective. 

Image result for happiness your heritage dieter f uchtdorf

This talk is a great reminder that it is our destiny to have happiness in this life! "Our birthright—and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth—is to seek and experience eternal happiness." 

Image result for men are that they might have joy

I took a test to assess my Personal & Relationship Inventory.
I would recommend this assessment because it helps facilitate an honest evaluation of where you ARE.


My thoughts of this test:

When I completed my Personal & Relationship Inventory was insightful because I was able to assess how well I am taking care of myself and my relationships. I think that overall I am doing well. There were multiple things I categorized in the “Always/Excellent” category or the “Often/Good” category. Some of the areas I ranked as a “5” was: My relationship with my husband, helping others, and I regularly communicate with my husband. Those things are particularly important to me because my relationship with my husband is so important, I want to always make our relationship a priority and communicate effectively and often with him. I am someone who often helps others because I value serving. I just got called to the Relief Society Presidency, so I now have even more opportunities to serve others.
While doing this assessment, I have some areas of weakness, that I am working on improving. For example: I want to improve my relaxing routine before bed and nurturing morning routine. I always shower morning and evening; I light a candle and turn the lights off because that is relaxing for me. I want my mornings to run more smoothly by waking up earlier to allow myself more time to relax, be productive, and eat breakfast before rushing off to work. I should be better at limiting my internet surfing and use of browsing social media sites. I notice that I use scrolling as a time filler, I am consciously working on being more mindful of the time I spend doing this. Another thing I should improve upon is how I manage personal stress. I work well under pressure, but sometimes in stressful situations I have breakdowns. These times when I am stressed, usually happen when I am not sleeping enough and am over scheduled. I have been working on prioritizing what I do with my time, so that I can have less stress.

When we are more balanced, we are able to let our light shine!

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